The Brothers of the Christian Schools, District of Eastern North America (FSCDENA) now have the ability to offer Gift Annuities through our partnership with the National Gift Annuity Foundation.

Charitable Gift Annuity

How It Works

  1. Transfer cash or other property to FSCDENA
  2. FSCDENA agree to make payments for the life of one and up to two annuitants (payments are backed by our entire assets)
  3. Upon the death of the donor, the balance remaining becomes a gift to the Christian Brothers


  • Immediate Federal income-tax deduction for a portion of your gift
  • Amount of gift is no longer included in calculations of your net worth
  • Payments for life that are favorably taxed
    1. When gift is funded with cash, part of payment will be tax-free
    2. When gift is funded with appreciated property, part will be taxed as capital gain, part will be tax-free, and part will be taxed as ordinary income
  • Gift will provide generous support for the Christian Brothers

Next Steps

  • Contact us to learn more about this gift plan or other options
  • Receive a personal calculation of this gift

Pointer: The charitable gift annuity is especially rewarding if funded with appreciated long-term securities that generate little or no income. If you transfer such securities to the Christian Brothers in exchange for a charitable gift annuity, you will avoid a significant amount of capital-gain taxation and any remaining capital gain will be reported in prorated amounts over the life (or lives) of the beneficiary(ies).

This document provides general information only. We suggest that you always include your own advisors before making financial decisions. Brothers of the Christian Schools, DENA is not engaged in the practice of Law.